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256 Einträge
6 ER!N
15.10.03 11:18
I didnt realise this guestbook was for Tricky also! Tricky, I adore your way of thinking and I ~love~ Maxinquaye. I fall asleep to it every night and it keeps my mind calm. I love Tool so I'm stoked that you work with Maynard a bit, but I havent been able to get my hands on any of the audio yet without downloading from the net and I'm anti-downloading! I'm cant wait till your book comes out, it should be an interesting and mind opening read! Take care and keep up the awesome work!
  E-Mail http://groups.msn.com/CollectiveUnconsiousness

5 Anna
15.10.03 11:15
I'm in love with you for manny years , you make me wanna die ... you're my angel with dirty face ... only mine ... god, I just can't love HEM so much ... I can't ...

4 Naiomi
15.10.03 11:12
Hey keeeppp your soul flowing though your music.......(: I love awaking to sweet sounds of blissssss

3 Thorben
15.10.03 11:10
This is a wonderful site!

2 D.M. Talley
15.10.03 11:08
Wonderful site! Can't wait to hear the new album. All Tricky fans stop by my site some time and let me know what you think!

-D.M. Talley
  E-Mail http://www.palisadehills.netfirms.com

1 Mr.j
15.10.03 11:05
TOO good for my ears but when in italy??I would like to know that if is possible! Wonderin' about new Tricky record..?He changed right?But I trust in him..Hopin' so MARTINA where r u?waitin' for your work too u great!And this site is amazing tanx guys!

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